The Western circuit not well know by many provides a magificent glimpse of Tanzania’s incredible wildlife and great scenery of the rugged terrain, offshore of lake victoria making it an adventurous and breathing experince for safari circuit and hiking.
Gombe National Park
This relatively small (3230 sq km) National Park lies 300 km west of Dar-es-Salaam and is the closest park to the capital. It is nestled between the Uruguru mountains to the East and the Rift Valley escarpments to the Southwest. As it is close to the Selous ecosystem and therefor part of it, it benefits from the highest game density of the entire conservation area, while it is easily to access. Although less spectacular regarding Flora and Fauna, the Mikumi national park obtains a good impression of the African animal world and is suitable very well for a short visit.
Mahale National Park
Mahale is one of Tanzania’s most remote parks, situated directly on Lake Tanganyika, with the misty and rugged Mahale Mountain range running down its centre. The Mahale Mountains National park is described as quite simply one of the most beautiful parks anywhere in Africa”. The park is located in one of the remote locations in Tanzania, on the western border with the Congo, against the dramatic shores of Lake Tanganyika.
Katavi National Park
Katavi, about 35km southwest of Mpanda, is Tanzania’s third-largest park and one of its most unspoiled wilderness areas. Katavi is a true wilderness, providing intrepid souls who make it there with a thrilling taste of Africa. Katavi National Park lies in Mpanda district in the west of Tanzania. With an area of 4471 km², it is Tanzania’s third largest park. Together with the neighbouring Rukwa, Lukwati and Luafi Game Reserves and numerous forest reserves, this ecosystem of 25 000 km² is the heart of one of the biggest and richest wildlife areas in Tanzania.